Food Manufacturing

Whether it’s the rapid cooling of cooked ready meals or the temperature control of production areas, refrigeration is at the heart of every frozen and chilled food manufacturing facility. Delivering this cooling is a direct cost to a business, including expenditure on capital plant, ongoing electrical energy consumption and regular service and maintenance. As such, a long term focus on energy efficiency to minimise energy consumption and achieve lowest life cycle costs is paramount.  Reliability is also key, with many facilities operating around the clock and needing cooling 24/7. At Star, we deliver cooling solutions that are tailored to the specific requirements of each production facility and fully optimised at every phase of the process, from planning, design and construction, right through to operation, maintenance and ongoing analysis.

Enquiry form:

Star’s new enquiry tool is designed to streamline the enquiry process through a specific set of quick questions. This directs the right information to the appropriate member of technical sales staff and allows our team to quickly scope out appropriate solutions for your project. If you do not have this information to hand, please use our general contact form instead.

Production Hall

Production Hall

Freezing / Chill Refrigeration (Existing – to be replacement)

Freezing / Chill Refrigeration (Existing – to be replacement)

Freezing / Chill Refrigeration (New)

Freezing / Chill Refrigeration (New)

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