CPD Presentations and training

Here at Star Refrigeration’s we’re all about helping young people develop their knowledge and skills in refrigeration and heating through Continuing Professional Development. That is why we have produced a set of online resources available free of charge, anytime/anywhere which include presentations, articles and online training courses- all certified for Continuing Professional Development by The CPD Certification Service and The Chartered Institution of Service Engineers (CIBSE).
Once you have undertaken the independently certified material, get in touch to get your CPD Diploma by emailing:


Star is fuelled by a passion for refrigeration, and its people are so passionate about the specialist work they do. You don’t often see that with the majority of refrigeration contractors.

Gareth Morgan – Gist

We do believe that Star lead the way when it comes to refrigerants and regulations, and we are here to learn what’s new in the industry.

David Harker – Newsome Ltd

The presentations are very informative. I’m most interested in hearing about the implications of the F-gas regulations and the energy benefits that can be achieved from refrigeration systems.

John Scholfield – Arcus FM

The information gave us a prompt to look at the legislative side of things even further, particularly, the presentation from Dr Dermot Cotter which reinforced the fact that there are further compliance items to look into to stay ahead of ever changing compliance regulations.

Damien Gallagher – James Hall & Co

CPD Articles and Presentations

A significant amount of CPD certified material is held on our website including presentations and articles on the F-gas phase-down, eco-design directive, specific energy consumption, natural refrigerants and legislation.
These articles are educational and informative and will give you a well-rounded knowledge base as to what the most incumbent issues affecting the refrigeration and heating industry are.
To read the articles, go to:
To view the presentations, go to:

Online refrigeration courses

Our eLearning platform, www.star-learningsolutions.com , offers a set of subscription based resources focused at providing the underpinning knowledge required to work with industrial refrigeration systems.
The award-winning eLearning platform has issued over 30,000 CPD Diplomas and has helped over 1500 refrigeration engineers achieve F-Gas Certification.
Our entry-level package gives you access to our base level content, including the basics of refrigeration, air conditioning and CO2 fundamentals.
To get access to the Refrigeration Fundamentals, F-Gas Regulations, Air Conditioning Fundamentals  and CO2 Refrigeration courses, visit https://www.star-learningsolutions.com/
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