2020 Rob Lamb: The Journey To Energy Efficient Temperature – 2020 Controlled Storage

Skip to 33:30 to watch Rob’s presentation Description The temperature controlled storage industry is energy intensive and energy costs are rising. There is an urging need to achieve carbon emission reductions to meet the UK goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. This presentation will enable cold storage operators to assess their current energy consumption and discover the contributing factors to inefficient energy consumption. From planning to building construction, refrigeration system design, maintenance, system analysis and monitoring and system and controls optimisation, operators will discover the process of bringing a plant to its optimum efficiency level. This presentation is CPD Certified. To get your CPD diploma please email us your request at getmyCPDdiploma@star-ref.co.uk DISCLAIMER: The content owner of the above video is the Cold Chain Federation (CCF). It is not owned by Star Refrigeration.
2020 Rob Lamb: The Journey To Energy Efficient Temperature – 2020 Controlled Storage

CPD Presentation