Scottish Technologies Showcase event

Dave Pearson
Director of Star Renewable Energy

The Scottish Technologies Showcase event is being held at Glasgow’s SECC.

Star Refrigeration is the largest industrial refrigeration contractor in the UK, established in 1970. A continual focus on life cycle cost has placed the company well for the latest growth area – renewable heating.

In a Scottish context Star Refrigeration could heat any of the major cities by using only a small portion of the flow in the river, estuary or sewage treatment plants. Its solution in Norway uses hydro electric power and the heat it delivers is therefore zero carbon.

The Government have just announced they intend to double the Renewable Heat Incentive for similar projects in the UK.

Visit Stand 165 to see a demonstration of district heating with waste heat from seawater. It delivers over three times as much heat as the energy their system consumes.

Scottish Technologies Showcase event

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