Star Refrigeration participate at the Cold Chain industry’s first Climate Change Week event

Star Refrigeration’s Group Marketing and Sales Director, Dr Rob Lamb, will be joining as a panellist to discuss refrigeration technology, compliance and the road to a net zero cold chain, following findings from the recent Building Performance Standard consultation.
Star Refrigeration has been named as a main event partner of Climate Change Week, a free online event organised by the Cold Chain Federation, the voice of the UK’s temperature-controlled logistics industry.
The two day event entitled Cold Chain & Climate Change – Finding Pragmatic Solutions, will take place online on 18th– 19th May 2021. The free webinar will include cold chain and climate change experts who will deliver presentations, speaker panels and Q&A sessions in order to examine the latest climate change policy and its impact on businesses operating in the cold chain.
With new announcements on strategies, policy and regulation to drive decarbonisation efforts in the sector, the event will set the scene for the incoming 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) which will take place in November 2021, at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow.
The first day of the event on 18th May titled ‘Policy’ will focus on COP26 and climate change policy and how these could influence businesses in the cold chain. There will also be discussion on the next stage of the Cold Chain Federation’s work on Net Zero and the multi-million-pound research projects which have recently been commissioned to look at decarbonising the cold chain.

Dr Rob Lamb, Group Sales & Marketing Director at Star Refrigeration will be joining the policy speakers including Dan Hamza-Goodacre of COP 26 Champions Team, Prof Toby Peters of University of Birmingham and Tom Southall of the Cold Chain Federation for a panel discussion on the topic and will be sharing findings from the recent Building Performance Standard consultation. Ahead of the event, Dr Lamb, said ”It is estimated that the Cold Chain is responsible for 2.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions and it is crucial that we find ways to reduce this. Cold Chain Week is an important step in furthering the conversation on the role the cold chain has in tackling climate change. We are committed to continuously improving our customers’ sustainability efforts. It is great to be part of this event both as a guest speaker and event partner.’’
On the second day of the event on 19th May titled ‘Technology & Innovation’ Alex Pitman of the Cooperative Group, Neil Stott of Mypower and David Kipling of Onsite Energy Projects will be examining some of the actions cold chain businesses can take to reduce the emissions from their operations and how to finance them.
The Cold Chain Federation is the voice of the temperature-controlled supply chain in the UK. Representing businesses that run the temperature-controlled supply chain in the UK, the federation exists to educate people about the importance of the cold chain and through constructive engagement, influence the decisions made across our industry, regulators and policy makers.
For those wishing to attend, registration is available free through the Cold Chain Federation website
Recordings will be posted online after the event for those who are unable to attend live.