Star Refrigeration’s National Roadshow 2017 Ends on a High – Presentations and Videos are Now Available

The informative seminars covered topical issues affecting the refrigeration and heating industry including F-gas regulations, legal compliance, energy efficiency and heat recovery.
Star refrigeration are celebrating a very positive response from the near 200 attendees who joined the company at their national roadshow. The events in Sheffield, Bristol, London and Glasgow took place last October and provided attendees with and up to date insight to make informed decisions about their business future and stay ahead of legislation on F-gases, minimum energy performance standards and legal compliance matters.
Damien Gallagher, Maintenance Supervisor of James Hall & Co. Ltd talked about how the presentations will help their business, “The information gave us a prompt to look at the legislative side of things even further, particularly, the presentation from Dr Dermot Cotter which reinforced the fact that there are further compliance items to look into to stay ahead of ever changing compliance regulations”.
The free events attracted large users of cooling and heating from a wide range of sectors including food manufacturing, temperature controlled storage and distribution, distilling, health, leisure, data centres, public service, energy and industrial processes. Feedback received has been overwhelmingly encouraging, with end-users stating that they will use the knowledge gained to improve their systems to deliver the greatest value for their business.
Gareth Morgan, a maintenance engineer for Gist commented, “Star is fuelled by a passion for refrigeration, and its people are so passionate about the specialist work they do. You don’t often see that with the majority of refrigeration contractors.”
The seminars were also attended by industry stakeholders such as construction and facilities management companies, consultants, suppliers and other refrigeration contractors. David Harker, Managing Director of Newsome Ltd and an attendee at the Sheffield event said, “We do believe that Star lead the way when it comes to refrigerants and regulations, so we’re here today to learn what’s new in the industry”.
With informative CPD accredited presentations, Q&A sessions and networking opportunities, the events provided ready access to expert advice and a platform for meaningful face-to-face exchange of knowledge and experiences. John Scholfield, Refrigerant Gas Bank Manager of Arcus FM said, “The presentations are very informative. I’m most interested in hearing about the implications of the F-gas regulations ahead of the 2020 ban and the energy benefits that can be achieved from refrigeration systems as well as the opportunities for networking and getting together with some of the industry and see what’s happening”.
The success of the event has encouraged the Star team to commit to organise mini-roadshows for those that could not attend the selected dates and locations. These are available on request so industry professionals interested in this opportunity should contact Star Refrigeration directly. Videos of the seminars, presentations and CPD opportunities are available online for people to watch at a convenient time and share with colleagues via /star-refrigeration-2017-roadshow.aspx
Rob Lamb, Group Sales and Marketing Director of Star Refrigeration said, “It was a fantastic experience to visit four great cities for the 2017 Roadshow and meet hundreds of passionate industry professionals and end users. The event has been a success through and through, and once again Star has demonstrated that we’re a forward thinking, collaborative company focused on supporting our customers by providing the knowledge they need for future strategic planning.”
For more information about the UK’s largest independent industrial refrigeration, hvac and heating company behind the Star Roadshow, visit