Star Renewable Energy shortlisted for National Heat Pump Awards 2014

Dave Pearson
Director of Star Renewable Energy

The world’s largest 90°C ammonia district heat pump, installed in Norway, has been selected as a finalist in four different categories.

The 13 MW large scale heat pump is 1300 times the size of an average domestic heat pump. It extracts heat from the water of a local fjord and boosts it up to provide hot water at up to 90°C for the buildings of the city of Drammen, a community near the capital city of Oslo with 63,000 people.

Groundbreaking technology used to design the system allowed the use of non ozone depleting refrigerants with zero global warming potential to run the system and an efficiency increase of 85% in comparison to conventional heat pumps using HFCs with high GWP. This saved a carbon footprint equivalent to 800,000 km in a car (to the moon and back!)

Star Renewable Energy is part of the Star Refrigeration Group, the UK’s largest independent cooling and heating contractor. The business was established to cater to Star’s growing technical capabilities in the field of industrial renewable district heat pumps, and it is led by Star’s heat pump expert Dave Pearson.

Star have already successfully deployed over 15 heat pump systems around Europe, bringing the total of heat delivered to over 30MW.

The Drammen district heating project is a finalist in the following award categories:

  • Installation of the Year – Commercial, Ground/Water Source
  • Product Innovation of the Year
  • Public Sector Project of the Year
  • In-Situ Monitoring

SRE will be competing against world leading multinational corporations Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric and Danfoss for the prizes. It is set to be an exciting and unpredictable night.

“I am delighted to be in the running for the National Heat Pump Awards,” said Dave Pearson. “The projects we have done really demonstrate that heat pumps have now become environmentally and economically viable and should no longer be associated with smaller systems typically suited to 45oC. The technological advancements of the Neatpump in Drammen have revolutionised the way we should heat factories, hospitals, universities and houses.”

The awards ceremony will be held on Thursday 19th June at 6.30pm in Hall 4 at the ICC, Broad Street in Birmingham, where the winners will be announced, including an award for Heat Pump Champion of the Year. For tickets and further details of the event, please visit the National Heat Pump Awards website.

Star Renewable Energy shortlisted for National Heat Pump Awards 2014

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