Star’s new Aether controller

Astrid Prado
Marketing Manager

Star’s new condenser fan and secondary pump controller is now available. Named after the Greek God of the heavens, Aether is targeted at customers wanting to reduce energy consumption, through the use of inverter technology.

Economic and environmental pressures mean that companies are striving to lower operating costs through improvements in energy efficiency. Refrigeration is a major energy user for many industries, including:

  • Temperature controlled storage and distribution
  • Food and beverage production
  • Process cooling
  • HVAC
  • Ice rinks
  • Retail

Glycol Pump Set

Typical Glycol pump package unit

Star Refrigeration’s Aether controller is a stand alone device dedicated to enhancing refrigeration plant energy efficiency, through the optimisation of condenser fan and secondary pump control. This is achieved through motor speed control and the implementation of floating head pressure control.

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Star’s new Aether controller

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