UK’s largest air source heat pump exhibit is a great success

Dave Pearson
Director of Star Renewable Energy

The company are committed to providing industry-leading products to help define the future of the renewable heating sector. As an integral part of government’s plans over the next decade, the importance of renewable heating is not to be underestimated since the heat used in UK homes, public buildings, businesses and factories is responsible for around 50% of all energy use.

Housing associations all over the country are looking at ways to reduce their carbon footprint by improving their renewable energy technologies, and the air source heat pump is a big game changer as it requires no new heating infrastructure.

Colin Reed, Sustainable Manager for Glasgow Housing Association and one of the partners involved in the development of the 400kW low-carbon heat pump said “We intend to use heatpumps of this scale in our housing stock. In Glasgow alone we have 127 high rise blocks with over 10,000 properties where district heating is a viable option.”

Designed with input from key partners including WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff and Scottish Gas, Star’s heatpump is able to deliver heating and hot water for 350 homes and reduce the carbon footprint by 53%.

Dave Pearson, Director of Star Renewable Energy, said, “We’re really excited to be exhibiting at the All-Energy this year. The event provides the opportunity to share our knowledge of district heatpumps, discuss developments and make new contacts. A true highlight in the renewable industry calendar, it brings together thousands of industry professionals all under one roof. We encourage anyone who works in the industry – or who takes an active interest in renewable energy – to come down and see for themselves the incredible advancements with their own eyes.”

Attendees are also invited to hear from the Director of Star Renewable Energy, Dave Pearson, as he gives an informative talk on renewable heating, highlighting the new advances in air and water source heat pumps. Taking place on Thursday 5th May, the talk will inform and inspire those looking to employ renewable distric heating technology.

Always receiving excellent feedback from both visitors and exhibitors alike, the exhibition now attracts visitors from a wide range of sectors within the renewables market. A true highlight in the renewables industry sector, attendees include representatives from onshore and offshore wind, bioenergy, wave and tidal, sustainable cities and energy efficiency.

Providing exhibitors with the unique opportunity to meet and discuss developments and business with key international experts and buyers in one location, All-Energy offers a structured, professional networking environment in which to help suppliers build relationships and grow business on a global scale. The exhibition is open from 08:30 – 18:00 today, and from 08:30 – 17:00 tomorrow.

For more information about Star Renewable Energy, visit the website:

To find out more about the All-Energy exhibition, visit:

UK’s largest air source heat pump exhibit is a great success

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