“Power can account for as much as 40% of the operational costs of a data centre,” according to the AMA Data Centre Construction Market Report. Star is focused on minimising power usage when developing data centre cooling solutions.
Designs include our “free cooling” thermosyphon chillers that offer a typically annualised COP of more than 14, resulting in 38% savings in energy bills and a 30% reduction in maintenance costs compared to alternative free cooling technology. These systems have a proven track record of more than 3,000,000 hrs of uninterrupted cooling.
Our Indigochiller and Azanechiller products deliver high efficiency, resilience and low carbon footprint by using low GWP refrigerants such as HFOs and ammonia. Package chiller capacities range from 500 kW to 1500 kW, and are optimised for the UK’s varying ambient temperature to maximise efficient operation all year round.
Both chillers are optimised for the UK with an average temperature of 12°C, as opposed to ESSER value of 35°C.