The Star Refrigeration Group Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHS&E) Integrated Policy Statement

We are committed to excellence in the provision of goods and services to our customers, whilst endeavouring to avoid harm to the environment, our employees, visitors and all others who may be affected directly or indirectly by our activities.

In particular we shall:

  1. Establish and strive to continually improve our Integrated Management System (IMS)
  2. Ensure compliance with existing and future Quality, Health Safety & Environmental legislative requirements
  3. Liaise with all relevant external bodies and work with our own staff to improve our QHS&E performance, prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health and maintain safe and healthy working conditions
  4. Identify and seek to reduce damaging environmental effects, pollution and health and safety risks which may arise from our processes, operations and work activities
  5. Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
  6. Minimise, re-use, recycle all materials and promote the use of renewable energy wherever practicable
  7. Provide appropriate QHS&E information and training for our staff, and encourage them to apply good practice, both at work and at home
  8. Review QHS&E issues regularly at the highest levels of the company and actively encourage ongoing participation and consultation with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
  9. Liaise with suppliers and customers to facilitate the best possible products, safety and environmental practices
  10. Review and revise this QHS&E policy statement as necessary at regular intervals

We ensure that these commitments are delivered by setting SMART objectives in each key area and monitoring progress with quarterly updates throughout the year.  The framework for these objectives is set in the company strategy and is linked to the company’s key drivers and values through the process standard approach and individual personal development plans.

The company has developed and implemented a management system that meets the requirements of the International Standards EN ISO 9001:2015, BS ISO 45001:2018, EN ISO 14001:2015 and the Pressure Equipment Directive/Pressure Equipment Safety Regulations which reinforce our commitment to provide products and services to the highest standards and to continuous improvement. The company seeks the co-operation of all employees in this respect and, in particular, the observance of the arrangements set out later in this document.  Copies of our accreditation certificates are available on request.

The environmental impact of our activities is also closely monitored through our integrated management system. We recognise that our activities have both direct and indirect effects on the environment.  Almost 90% of the direct effect is through the use of vehicles.  As a service organisation this cannot be eliminated, but we aim to minimise the effect through driver training, better work scheduling and encouraging car sharing, use of electric vehicles or use of public transport where appropriate.  The indirect effect of our activities on the environment comes from the use of our systems by our customers.  We aim to make the systems as efficient as possible and we have pioneered the use of natural refrigerants, including system design, implementation and the sharing of our findings and experiences through public presentations.

Copies of our objectives and performance reviews may be obtained by writing to: the manager of our Integrated Management System, who will also welcome any observations on the quality, health, safety or environment aspects of our activities.

A B Pearson

Group Managing Director

Date: January 2024