SDA has developed the technology to extract data from refrigeration plant and store it in the cloud. We can present the data on a web-based dashboard in a suitable format for the customer’s needs. The type of data we are presently monitoring for our customers include cold store temperatures, power meters from redundant frequency response programs and heat pump parameters.
Ethos also helps you understand how a plant is performing before and after a particular event. The event could be a conversion to a new refrigerant, a change in refrigeration maintenance contractor, an adjustment to a process or alterations to equipment. Ethos can measure performance and other pertinent parameters before and after the event to allow a comparison using reliable data. This can provide valuable information for future alterations or provide comfort that all is well subsequent to the event.
SDA are constantly building on competencies with data extraction for monitoring and analysis and would be pleased to discuss monitoring requirements for a wide range of applications, unrelated to refrigeration.